Your views – results

We engaged an independent research and policy agency, ACIL Allen Consultancy, to conduct research of external stakeholders of their perceptions of our purpose, role and functions within the regulatory system in New South Wales.

This qualitative and quantitative research was undertaken between February to May 2016 and the final report was received by the Council in June 2016.

We have reviewed the research findings and responders’ suggestions. One of the many findings was that a significant proportion of responders were unclear about the our role. 

The research findings identified useful information about where we might improve our processes and engage more effectively with stakeholders. Other suggestions are outside of our jurisdiction and we are passing these on to other relevant bodies.

A number of the respondents used the survey to seek our assistance on their complaint matter. Responder’s privacy was protected in this research and ACIL Allen removed any identifiers when providing the report to us. Therefore if you still seek assistance in your complaint management please either contact your case manager at the Council or email

The executive summary for the final report can be downloaded by clicking here. We thank each participant for their feedback and time in contributing to this valuable research.